Lviv Centre of Institute of Space Research

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1. Лізунов Г.В., Корепанов В.Є., Лукенюк А.A., П’янкова О.В., Федоров О.П. Космічний проєкт «Іоносат-Мікро»: готовність до реалізації. Космічна наука і технологія. 2022. 28, № 6 (139). С. 3—11. knit2022.06.000

2. GPS-synchronization Optimization Process of Autonomous Data Collection Systems. Bondarev, A., Prystaj, A., Pronenko, V. Proceedings - 16th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering, TCSET 2022, 2022, стр. 486–490.

3. Cubesat experiment planning and realization. Korepanov, V., Pronenko, V. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2022. Panels (P). Small Satellites for Capacity Building (PCB.2). PCB.2-003-22.

4. Synchronization optimization providing for MT stations at grid survey. Prystai A., Pronenko V., Bondarev A. // 24th Electromagnetic Induction Workshop. / 25th EM Induction Workshop / Book of Abstracts. Çeşme-Turkey, 11-17 September 2022. P.47.

5. Cloud connected low power, low noise systems for LMT & MT. Pronenko V., Strack., Prystai A. // 24th Electromagnetic Induction Workshop. / 25th EM Induction Workshop / Book of Abstracts. Çeşme-Turkey, 11-17 September 2022. P.65.

6. First experience with high power EM towards the energy transition. K. Strack, S. Davydycheva, T. Hanstein, Y. Martinez, A.Y. Paembonam, V. Pronenko, M. Smirnov, P.Soupios and X.Xu. // 25th EM Induction Workshop / Book of Abstracts. Çeşme-Turkey, 11-17 September 2022. P. 256.

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