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Magnetometer LEMI-008

Magnetometer LEMI-008

LEMI-008 magnetometer for the measurement of the magnetic field variations at laboratory and land conditions is produced on the base of the flux-gate sensor, all three components of which are implemented in the same body.  It consists of two units - sensor unit with tilt-compensated support and electronic unit both connected by long cable.

Main features:

bulletHigh resolution
bulletLow noise
bulletLow temperature offset
bulletConvenience of installation and service
bulletLow power consumption
bulletThe four-lines graphic display
bulletVolume of internal memory for data is 8MB
bulletInternal real time clock
bulletBuilt-in unit GPS receiver
bulletAnalog and RS - 232 outputs available
bullet1 - year guarantee

The magnetometer is intended for the measurement of the Earth's magnetic field variations in laboratory and land conditions as well as in geomagnetic observatory.

The magnetometer is produced on the base of three-component flux-gate sensor, all three components of which are implemented in the same marble or glassceramical body. The electronic unit provides the transformation, processing and storage of information about magnetic field variations and it's transmission to computer via RS232 interface. Built-in unit GPS receiver corrects the time of the internal clock and defines the coordinates of magnetometer location. It allows to organize the sinchronous operation of the magnetometer with other geomagnetic stations.

The considerable volume of the internal nonvolative memory for data recording and small power consumption permits to use the magnetometer for long-term measurements in land conditions.

One of such magnetometer models LEMI-008 which was established at the Ukrainian Antarctic station “Academic Vernadsky” demonstrated high metrological characteristics during operation, in particular the stability of base line is not worse than 3 nT/year (see example below).


Measuring ranges of variations *:
Range I 
Range II

100 000 nT
3 200.0 nT
Range I
Range II
10 nT
0.1 nT
Measuring range of variations at analog output 5000 nT
Transformation factor of analog output 2 mV/nT
Bandwidth of analog output DC - 1 Hz
Orthogonality error <30 min of arc
Step offset ranging band by each axis ± 9 x10000 nT
± 9 x1000 nT
Smooth offset ranging band by each axis ± 1000 nT
Time of samples averaging 1s, 2s, 5s, 10 s, 60 s
Volume of internal memory 8 MB
Operating temperature range minus 5 to +40° C
Temperature sensor transformation factor 10 mV/° C
Power supply, battery 12 V, 0.2 A
sensor with support
electronic unit

1,7 - 5 kg
3,6 - 6 kg

Length of connecting cable, up to 40 m

* The display shows measurement results in microtesla.

Detailed description

Baseline Z component LEMI-008 for 2000 year

Baseline Z component LEMI-008


  1. Геомагнитная обсерватория «Алма-Ата» (AAA)
    Тип используемой аппаратуры: феррозондовый магнитометр LEMI-008, портативный однокомпонентный магнитометр LEMI-203, процессорный оверхаузеровский датчик POS-1. Данная аппаратура соответствует современным международным стандартам. В конце 2005 г Геомагнитная обсерватория «Алма-Ата» получила сертификат качества Международной организации Intermagnet.
  2. Геомагнітна обсерваторія (ГО) «Київ» (KIV, 50.72N/30.3E)
    Реєстрація варіацій магнітного поля ведеться магнітоваріаційними станціями LEMI-008. Обсерваторія розташована в 50 км на північ від Києва, має павільйони для спостережень абсолютних і відносних величин компонент геомагнітного поля Землі, оточена необхідною санітарною зоною і забезпечена науково-технічним персоналом. З 2011 року ГО «Київ» входить до всесвітньої мережі Intermagnet.
  3. Перспективы развертывания магнитных, риометрических и оптических наблюдений на Норильском меридиане
    В Вариационном павильоне функционирует система сбора информации о вариациях магнитного поля Земли следующими приборами: трехкомпонентный феррозондовый магнитометр Lemi-008...

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Last modified: 15-09-2021

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